Men’s Circle Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a men's circle?

    Men’s circles at Purnima are an opportunity for men to create community, meaningful behavior change in life, and be received in ways men are rarely given access to: in a shame-free environment ready to hold whatever you’re holding that’s becoming too heavy to bear alone. Over the course of 8 sessions, participants will come together to discuss topics related to masculinity, relationships, and the pursuit of service and integrity in life. Each man will also receive individual time to work through or address a question, difficulty, or problem they’re facing with the support of trauma-informed facilitation and loving questions/reflections from your brothers.

  • What is the investment to join?

    The investment is $777*.

    This includes:

    - 8 group sessions (2 hours each)
    - 2 individual coaching sessions (up to 90 minutes)
    - Weekly meditations from Dave
    - Access to real-time support and community outside the circle through a private group Signal channel
    - Savings and discounts on Purnima acupuncture and coaching services

    *Payment plans, hardship discounts, and scholarships are available, so please ask for more information on those if the full investment is not currently in your budget.

  • What should I expect?

    Every circle will contain no more than 8 men that are ready to hold deep, shame-free, and open space with one another. The small size of the group is to preserve an intimate dynamic that offers a wide-range of support and the spaciousness for every man to have the opportunity to do and explore his own work. Every member will receive an hour to dig into a specific question, problem, or life circumstance they are navigating. In this hour, the individual will be coached and receive group support to help them move in alignment with their values and toward their goals. Most sessions will include discussion and personal shares on themes around masculinity as it relates to our individual and collective lives.

    Above all, expect to experience powerful transformations in the important relationships in your life (partner, family, friends, and colleagues). Expect to be pushed toward healthy discomfort, the kind that helps you grow. Expect to be witnessed in unshaming space for whatever is too heavy in your life, and supported through it with the power of a strong, sweet and compassionate brotherhood.

  • What's the schedule?

    We will meet for two hours one week-night per week for eight weeks either virtually or at Purnima Clinic in Encinitas.

    Groups will begin in the second week of September. Exact dates, days, and times will be announced once the maximum group consensus and availability can be determined.

  • How can I get the most out of this experience?

    For many men, the simple question, “what do I want?” is a challenging and powerful question to start with in the group. As with any self-developmental endeavor, the quality and sincerity of what you put in determines the quality and impact of what you receive. The most successful outcomes from group work come to those that show up ready to dig in to what’s most important, maybe most scary, in their life that they know they need support with. Identify where in your life you’re struggling to navigate in a way you feel confident and satisfied with. Consider where you want to be but don’t yet know how to get there, or are confronting blocks that make what you want feel impossible. Ask questions. Come with an open mind, ready to move toward discomfort, and hold space for the community. Trust that every man’s story has medicine for each of us, and be prepared to reflect openly and honestly about your state, life, questions, needs, and struggles.

  • What if I can't attend every session?

    We require that applicants be able to attend no fewer than 6 sessions. 100% attendance is highly encouraged, and we understand that life circumstances are not always conducive to 2 hours on a weeknight. It is also required that any missed sessions be communicated ahead of time to the group.