Intuition shows us what’s most important so we can make decisive choices that reflect our highest values, wants, and needs. Almost all of adult life is defined by choice: how we perceive, act, speak, hold, and all that lies in between. The reason we fail to see our power to choose intuitively is the imprint of trauma on our nervous system: trauma convinces us that the things that happen that we don’t choose, that push us beyond our tolerance, proves our powerlessness. And when we buy into that narrative, the clarity of our intuitive knowing becomes muddied by fear and doubt.
When we listen inwardly with curiosity to the dialogue playing inside of us, we begin to recognize the stories fueling our fears and doubts, and can then separate that from the guidances of intuition.
Strengthening connection with our inner world allows us to hear the instructions of intuition that’s available to all of us in every moment. Clear, decisive inner knowing exists within us all, but trauma and modern living has created distractions that make it harder to discern what soul-aligned action really looks like in the moment.
Luckily, we can learn to parse wisdom from the noise to actually access what is true for us and act decisively from that place.
When we build connection within, we gain access to intuition, which expands what’s possible — what’s achievable — for us. Hearing and obeying your own intuitive knowing is the foundation for self-evolution; it offers the means to literally create the reality you most want to bring into being.
To get there though, we must endeavor through the weeds and tangles of our inner world — a space we tend to instinctively avoid. The discomfort here is not one easily embraced alone, and the power of a compassionate mirror — a guide, a coach, a therapist, a friend — can help you see more clearly what you miss when the noise crowds out what is actually most important to you.
Being held in the midst of a noisy life-situation allows you to notice the difference between what is true for you and what is a story that’s no longer serving you. There is maybe no greater or more loving connection we can offer one another in this life. This is the foundational practice of holistic relationship coaching, and when you are in need of a compassionate mirror in service of your most audacious dreams and vision, I’d be honored to serve you.
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